Dear Bernard, You were such a genuine, kind hearted and gentle man whose smile and positive manner made you a pleasure to be around. I'm at a loss to to describe the sadness we feel, for ourselves having lost a family friend, and for your brilliant wife and your three children who are a wonderful testament to you and Ann. The memories I have of us growing up alongside them are nothing but positive. You made everyone feel at ease in your presence and I'll always remember the laughter shared. For me it was then a bonus to cross paths with you at work too. I remember a colleague raving about an inspiring DT support meeting run by a great bloke, and how proud I felt to say I knew you. Everyone who met you immediately felt the warmth and care you had for others, the passion for your work, and the love for your family above everything else. Your success as a family man has inspired me the most and I'll hold dear the words of wisdom you shared with me when I was to become a parent myself. You will always be remembered fondly, Bernard, and missed hugely. May you continue to be around us in the countless happy memories that your loved ones and colleagues have of you. Rest in peace. With love, Jo Hine and family xxx